Every year (at least the last 2) we have been sending out a Christmas letter. Vanity letter whatever. Its not one of those I'm better than you letters others send out, its just a review of the year for those family member who care. Obviously its limited by space and postage, so I wanted to share the slightly extended version.
2011 the most exciting and eventful year in my life thus far. With so much more on the horizon I say to this year goodbye and to all our loved ones and friends a very Merry Christmas and a joyous new year.
This year started with great news on the agenda. Little miss Riley was on her way, determined to make her presence into the world on schedule for March 18th 2011. During the wait Melissa hit a big (for us young folk) step in her life. This year she turned 30. While pregnant this brought up many emotions throughout the month. But these all pass with every kick that little Riley provides. (I kinda think she was saying quiet up there, but thats just me). January flew by at a pace only seen in stories then February with a Baby shower behind us we only needed wait for the day.
Then bad news, our little Dachshund our “child” for years passed. He went fairly painless in my arms, what exactly caused it we will never know, seizure?, heart attack?... A great dog, our first together. Ruffels will always be loved and missed. We know he was waiting until his mommy could handle it. He waited until Riley was ready to pop. So I will always thank him for that.
Days later final preparations made on her room, unknown pains, unexpected early hospital visit, sent home with an everything okay. Looking back this was likely the first signs of her Gall bladder issues. She had that removed this December with no incident.
Then on the 16th of March a uncomfortable feeling and pain of which she had never felt, a call to the doctor and a car ride to the hospital. 9:30 pm after a quick check and a conference with the doctor via that wonderful device the telephone, we were in for the night. 2:30 in the morning and Melissa could no longer handle the pain it was epidural time, 8:00 am everything slowed after the water was broke a little medical assistance and at 12:21 pm on the 17th of March she was born 6 lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long. Eyes going everywhere looking at the world ready to explore. It was the start and she didn't want to miss a second. Really it was amazing. This little package of curiosity. Even today she looks at everything trying to suck it all in. At no time does she want to close her eyes for fear of missing something, anything, she ever curious and always observant.
Shortly after the birth of Riley we also lost another dog. Our last one, Otis the beagle. Died of what I can only think was a broken heart. With his best friend Ruffels gone and so much attention on Riley, I think the stress was just to much for him. We will miss his constant bark, anxiety through thunderstorms, and all the love and companionship he gave. He was a great dog, I wish he was still with us today. The day he passed was Riley’s first roll. This was truly said, Ruffels was older and had issues, his young death was (said to say) expected, Otis though I had no doubt would be Riley's first dog, her first pet. Now the house even though filled with a beautiful little girl seem empty without a pet that wants your attention constantly. He truly, even through all the yelling and stubbornness a beagle offers was a great companion.
Life moving along a little more, my sister also pregnant introduces us to Derek Danger Leduc July 5th. A bald little man that provides our family with another little one to enjoy. Four months younger than Riley and almost as cute, but much more handsome. So far he is enjoying the lightning games with his mom and dad and providing them with tons of fun and excitement all their own. He is an amazing little boy. Almost now the size of Riley and trying to catch up fast, I am very happy to be an uncle and for Riley to be so involved and in the radius of his life. I have no doubt they will be great friends and competitive throughout life (or at least us brother and sister will be).
Her first Halloween she went as a little lady bug, and enjoyed collecting candy for her mom and dad in the mall. Cute beyond cute...
We spent a little bit of time up in Ohio this fall visiting family and friends, enjoy the fall leaves and the long road trip to get there and back. Riley was amazing, she went up there with only the slightest complaint about the drive. It took me longer than planned and an extra few stops in each direction, but we did not want our baby cooped up in a car for so long. Visited near every rest stop and even stoped in a very small snow flurry on the way back home. All in all a good trip, and a great drive. That's all the space I have until next year stay safe and enjoy the ride. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Thanks Giving was a thankful day, as is every other. Enjoyed it with Aunt Leigh, Uncle Adam, Gram, Cuz, Sister, Bobo, Cass, Dave, Mom, Dad, Mel, Riley and Derek. Always festive times when everyone gets together. I hope i didn't leave anyone out that was there. If I did sorry... Anyways we had a delightful Turkey and all the traditional fix-ins, great to do and who doesn't love the food... Blessed as always.
Christmas was Riley & Derek's first. What a wonderful day, many memories that will last for all my life. The fact that the bows were as good as the gifts. Who really opened the gifts? Who was really excited about them. Oh the great fairy tails that will be told to her about her first Christmas, until she's able to read this will hold true. What a day.
I think this was one of the first non party New years days we've had. Riley's God parents welcomed their new little girl at the beginning of the month, welcome Reese Olivia, so new years was a sobering experience. Other guests prego and unable to drink it's looking like an exciting future we can all share. The fact I had to go to work in the morning didn't help the fun, but that is part of the life we lead. Dang responsibility...
Anyways with a new year at hand, and goals and dreams on the horizon 2012 is expected to be another great year no matter how horrible it may get.....
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. “ -Frederick Buechner
Josh, Melissa & Riley