Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The roll on Video

Well a few days ago I caught her rolling on video. It was hard, but now as I make this post I can say she is an expert and does it multiple times a day. She has yet to figure out how to go from belly to back but is working hard and gaining much ground. I am finishing up a 7 day stretch at work after covering for another employee on vacation. 12 hours a day for 7 days straight wears on you physically and in the missing your family department. I hate going home , eating then going I'm ready for bed. A couple of the night I had to pass the putting Riley bed task to mommy all by her self. she understood and I'm sure Riley didn't mind to much. Can't wait to get back to the normal sched. I enjoy every moment with both of my girls. Well anyways enjoy the video and the commentary I and Melissa have provided.

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