Friday, November 18, 2011

The journey

We recently got back from a little "vacation" of visiting family. Regretfully the cost of flight and associated needs of flying prevented us from doing that. So we drove. For Melissa and I this would be a 16-20 hour non stop drive. Well no more is it Melissa and I alone. I had in the plans that we would likely take longer. I figured we would stop at near every rest stop on the way for about half to a full hour for stretch and play time. Well we ended up stomping about that and once for the night each way. The hotels were unplanned but well needed, the one on the way up especially (I did not get enough sleep that day to continue and followed the arrive alive not early policy). Now for the part your all waiting for, how the 7+ month old did on a 2 day drive; well to maintain here status as the most awesome child in the world she would have to be awesome and she was. The ride up was the best. She was so excited at the first rest stop, "what is all of this". I would look back and she would be starring out the window at the trees or playing with her toys. She enjoyed her time when we arrived, similar to being in the at home routine just different and new people around. The drive back went good too. She was done with the car with about 5 or 6 hours left. You could tell she didn't want to do this anymore. I can't blame her, I didn't either. Even after the stop for the night (I didn't want to stop, would of been more than able to finish the drive), but she needed to or it would of been crying all the rest of the way. We made it home on Friday after leaving Thursday, hit a 5 minute flurry of snow specks in Kentucky, and had sunshine the whole way. Love driving and would do it again...... Riley you are awesome.....

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