Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Girl

My favorite Posts; Riley Updates :-) Yea!!!!!!

Riley did the most amazing thing in the world the other day. She went down a slide all by herself. I don't mean we set her on the slide and pushed. She climbed up the steps, waited for her friend's mom to take her friend off the slide, sat down and pushed herself off. The did it again.....  AWESOME!!!!! She is hitting the age where fun is always ready. Now the down side is she is getting better at pouting when we don't do what she wants, but that's to be expected. We try not to cave, actually sometimes I have to stop myself from laughing because its so funny shes worked it out that way.

Anyways here is the video for the slide:

I must post a recent development in the Family. My little Brother was just married this last weekend. So congrats to him and my new sister in law. Your wedding was fun and Riley was an amazing flower girl ;-). Pictures of Riley to come, I just don't have them yet ....

Other awesome Riley things, she is now counting, in order to about 13. does she do it correctly every time no, but she is getting better and is now not just saying the numbers in order like before but can actually point to objects and count them (this only about to 7 or 8). It's still really cool. We are working with her on counting and her abc's  trying not to sing the song but identify the actual letters and some words. mostly with flash cards. I have to say some Disney and Sprout programs really help with this. Thank you television education for speeding up development in this area, while some programs take you back several years I would suggest to all don't think your kid is to young to learn something, they want to learn things....

That's all for now, I'm sure my mother is getting tired of reading already..


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