So I've decided to a reset diet for a week. Beef only. I did Carnivore last year in July for about 3 weeks lost Round 30 lbs but started to get pains in my abdomen. I quick thinking it was my gallbladder. I've since (December) found out it's nerve pain from my lower back so the loss of weight and additional walking I was doing was more likely the cause than the food. Also confirmed by the pain not going away and ultrasounds with my doctors. So for the next fives days I'm doing an all beef reset, try to stay around 1700-2000 calories. This damn thing to keep me accountable. I'll share soon my recent blood work as a starting point and what I'm doing each week, day, month, honestly whatever I feel like or have time for. lets watch together. My problem is I must have beer, not because I need it but because I love it, everything about it. Brewing is fun and a hobby but I can drink less of it so we'll keep a realistic outlook here.
thanks for tagging along.
Dosen't that look appetizing, not!