Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brain on fire

Ever have so much stuff going on in your head it feels like your brain is on fire? Were not talking bad things good things or otherwise. Just Ideas. No drama, no scripts just flashes of things where you sit there and go, oh I'd like to try that. Lately I have had so many ideas popping in there I'm trying to keep track of them. Some are old ideas I haven't thought about in years, I can honestly say forgot about years ago. Head feels like a pan of popcorn with the lid on to tight. I'm not one to sit around playing video games, (although this assassin's creed II very good game, Ill be done with it in a few more hours of play) even if I'd like to. I found myself cleaning the yard and garage the other day with Mel and tons of stuff, ideas just started working there way up. Little improvements for ideas I was already working on. When I sit at work all day, the work is done in no time, no challenge there anymore, they moved all the fun stuff to other places, I find my mind working on other things while I'm completing something in front of me. Oddly this got me thinking at the same time about capabilities. What is locked up inside our minds. There has got to be mass amounts of something up there. Well in most people. Some people I'm going to chalk it off as fat, just fat. This stuff can't just be sitting there and serve no purpose, can it? Why would there be so much of it just to do nothing, just to sit around insulating the rest. Do we need the warmth? Wish I had more of the means to make the ideas in my mind come to fruition. Most are useless and we are not talking about any money makers here. When those come up I know how to put pen to paper and start selling those ones. It just the useless ones that would only be for the sake of doing that I'd like to explore more of. Then again maybe I'm thinking about it all wrong maybe the useless ones are the ones everyone wants. Maybe some of those should be sold.....

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